ACE has been deprecated and replaced by Chameleon Gears. Information below is strictly or archival purposes
Validate a Project Using ACE
- Access ACE and load an XPression project. See Getting Started with ACE below.
- Configure the ACE Scene Inspector (optional)
- Manage scenes and zones.
- Manage and assign resource tags for objects.
- Publish the project to Flow.
Scene and Zone Management
On the right side you'll see the list of scenes associated to your Chameleon Ticker project.
Action | Details |
Modify Scenes | Double click on a particular scene to have the attributes appear. |
Filter | You can filter the scenes to only show tagged items. *Tagged items start with a ^ |
Filter Tag Types | You can filter the tag types by typing in the data type (ie: scores) |
Change the object tag | You can change the object tag by clicking the drop down or manually typing the tag in the field box. |
Scene Zone | Include the zone name into the scene |
Data and Pop Count |
Publish to Chameleon
Action | Details |
Configure Database | In tools, select Tools - Configure Database |
Add Database Settings | |
To publish | Go to File, Publish |
Enter the Published Name | In the Published Name box, enter the name you wish you have displayed in Chameleon Once you reviewed your scenes and their appropriate scene types, click on Commit to publish. |