Versions Compared


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For reference purposes, the middle number in the build refers to the build number of XPression with which Zeus was compiled with. It is recommended that the XPression installed match.

Version 2.5272.70

  • Desktop - Added checks to see if the DB is disconnected and prevents the automatic deletion of folders or assets when DB is disconnected.

  • Desktop - Added LEDs in the status bar to show the state of the DB connection: black means not checked yet, green means connected and red is disconnected.

  • Desktop - Fixed loss of DB Instances on cancelling deletion of assets or folders.

Version 2.5272.69

  • Updates Db to version 1008.

  • Updates Db to use the utf8m4 character set instead of latin1.

Version 2.5272.68

  • ZeusWeb - enable printing of a physical folders currently selected page

Version 2.5272.67

  • Desktop - Change the Sequencer View '#' column width to use a Global settings. The setting can only be changed by editing the ini file directly. Default width is 30.

Version 2.5272.66

  • Desktop - Fixed a bug with thumbnail cache which caused old cached thumbnail files to be used instead of caching thumbnails that are newer.

Version 2.4106.65

  • Desktop - Fix for bug which played the initial sequence item on it's asset channel (after setting its sequence online) by drag/drop into an output channel that is different from the item's assigned asset channel.

Version 2.4106.64

  • ZeusWeb - fixes when copying an asset from a search folder to physical folder

Version 2.4106.63

  • ZeusWeb - fix drop items from folder to folder.

  • Desktop - fixed bug with moving assets not changing affected sequence items' folder properties.

Version 2.4106.62

  • ZeusWeb - add some more logging

Version 2.4106.61

  • ZeusWeb - fix drag drop into empty sequence

Version 2.4106.60

  • ZeusWeb - fix some dialog window sizes

  • ZeusWeb - fix drag drop issues in sequences that have header items

  • Desktop - fixed bug with starting a sequence

Version 2.4106.59

  • ZeusWeb - drag drop sequence fixes

  • Desktop - modified RefreshFolders() to also add and remove folders from the UI if changes to the DB folders table are detected

Version 2.4106.58

  • ZeusWeb - add radupload control required security keys and whitelist MetaDataTypes

Version 2.4106.57

  • ZeusWeb - ignore physical folders if they are multi selected along with search folders and the user try's to delete them

Version 2.4106.56

  • ZeusWeb - add ability to print sequences and search folders

Version 2.4106.55

  • Desktop - Modified Sequence View secondary countdown timer to be used for items in an active sequence when played out on Output2

  • ZeusWorkerService - Changed Check Folder DB function to save changed or new assets to DB individually instead of saving all of them at once after processing all files since this may cause a long delay and have user changes overwritten as a result.

Version 2.4106.54

  • ZeusWeb - add # cloumn to sequence grid to show index number

  • ZeusWeb - add filter bar to sequence grid to allow contains filtering on filename, title, category, description columns

  • ZeusWeb - set grid selected row background color to oragne to make selected items more obvious

  • ZeusWeb - Hide toolbar in rad media player

  • ZeusWeb - implement multi select delete in folder tree view and sequence tree view

  • ZeusWeb - add cookie to remember column order in folder and sequence grids

  • ZeusWeb - add sequence item headers

Version 2.4106.53

  • ZeusWorkerService - Potentially fixed an issue with the Check Folder DB function locking up the folder which may have caused files that are supposed to be deleted to linger and causing them to be re-added to the DB.

  • ZeusWorkerService - Added debug log statements at the start and end of the Check Folder DB function.

Version 2.4106.52

  • Desktop - Fixed bug introduced in v51. Zeus was still opening the incorrect temporary sequence of another Zeus' version of the temporary sequence since the StringIDs were identical. Temporary sequences are now unique to each Zeus system with the temporary Sequence's StringID using '_Copy-Sys#' where # is the Zeus System ID.

Version 2.4106.51

  • Desktop - Fixed issue with temporary sequence being deleted when closed from a different instance of Zeus.

  • Desktop - If a sequence has been deleted from the DB, an opened Sequencer View of the deleted sequence will no longer be able to be set ONLINE.

Version 2.4106.50

  • Desktop - Added workaround for playing out XPVC encoded AVIs that were ingested on Bolt (before the XPV codec was installed on the VM).

  • Desktop - Fixed bug with renaming of Folders where the new name was longer than the length of the Root folder.

  • Desktop - Fixed bug with virtual assets being marked unavailable in a Icons view Folder.

  • Desktop - Icons view folder will sort the assets based on the ingest timestamp in descending order by default.

  • Desktop - Video Clip editing will now attempt to use the source video file if the proxy can't be found or can't be decoded.

  • Desktop - Icons view folder will now show tooltips to display the filename and the timestamp when the mouse is hovering over an asset.

  • Desktop - Added memory usage logging when enabled using the 'Self-Test Mode' & 'Self-Test Interval' settings. This setting can only be set or changed in the settings.ini file.

Version 2.4106.49

  • Desktop - Fixed issue with Zeus crashing when changing the thumbnail size in a Sequence View.

Version 2.4106.48

  • Desktop - Added more logging around deletion of Sequences particularly for temporary sequences.

Version 2.4106.47

  • Desktop - Fixes potential issues with memory leaks when updating Folder and Sequence View item images.

  • Desktop - Changed double-clicking on “<Sequences>” node in the Folders treeview control to expand the node and show the member sequences instead of opening up a blank Folder View window.

Version 2.4106.46

  • Bolt, ZeusWeb & ZeusWorkerService - Added the ‘UseCentralDB’ setting which is set to ‘true' if the app/service is running on the central server.

Version 2.4106.45

  • Desktop - Fixed issue with blank FB image on takes by additionally checking all sizes in the cached thumbnails file instead of just the max size. If that fails, then check the thumbnails DB and failing that, return a generic icon based on the media type.

  • Desktop - Fixed bugs with Remove Sequence, Rename Sequence and Add to Sequence. These bugs are due to the conversion to Global Sequences.

  • ZeusWorkerService - fix for browser imported assets sometimes being added to the db DB multiple times by the worker service


  • Desktop - fix resource leaks (Images, MySqlCommands)

  • Desktop - Examine Asset Dlg Dialog : Allow to generate video thumbnail picon if it doesn't exist

  • Desktop - fix crash in cmdCheckFolderContent


  • Desktop - fix issue caused when reading image from memorystream memory stream and then trying to use the image after closing the stream

Version 2.4106.42

  • DbVersion changed to 1007

  • Desktop - fix not returning sequence list to its original position after dragging an item to the play window

  • Desktop - add a 'Refresh Sequences' menu option to the tree view context menu to allow the sequence list in the tree to be repopulated


  • Bolt -update asset availability in db on syncDB on sync.

Version 2.4106.38

  • ZeusWorkerService - Uses AviSynth+ (if installed on system) when attempting to generate ProxyClips for XPVC encoded videos (AVI files).

  • ZeusWorkerService - Added fix for source videos that have non-even widths or heights when generating Proxy clips.

  • ZeusWeb - Fixed browser icon to use Zeus.ico.

Version 2.4106.37

  • ZeusWeb - added binding redirect to fix reference error.

Version 2.4106.36

  • Bolt - fixed assets that had themselves in the parentID values.

Version 2.4106.35

  • ZeusWeb - Set AutoGenerateBindingRedirects to true in project file.

  • ZeusWorkerService - Removed code that renamed the sequences when converting them from Folder Sequences to Global Sequences when updating the database version.

Version 2.4106.34

  • Sequences are now global only and not Folder-based.

  • DbVersion changed to 1006

  • Uses MySql.Data 8.0.21, NewtonSoft.Json 12.0.3

  • Desktop - Added “<Sequences>” node in the Folders treeview control to hold global sequences.

  • Desktop - Drag/Drop of assets from between non-virtual Folders will now show a context menu to allow the user to choose to copy or move the dragged assets.

  • Desktop - Virtual Assets dropped into Sequences will now create Sequence Items that reference the parent Assets of the Virtual Assets.

  • Desktop - Fixed a bug with getting the Brand (Title), Category and Description metadata of a virtual sequence item from the virtual asset instead of the parent asset.

  • ZeusWorkerService - Converts existing Folder-based Sequences to Global Sequences on database update. Converted Sequences have their names modified to include their originating folder names.

Version 2.4106.33

  • ZeusWorkerService - call UpdateDbVersion after creating the DB on a new install.

  • Bolt - sync related fixes and cleanup.

Version 2.4106.32

  • ZeusWeb - fix search asset filename missing root folder path.

  • ZeusWeb - fix creating a sub clip in a search folder.

Version 2.4106.31

  • Bolt - sync agent related fixes.

Version 2.4106.30

  • Desktop - Fixed bug with sorting in Folder View not working when there are fewer assets than a page's worth.

  • Desktop - Fixes sorting (via clicking on column headers) for Folder Views to re-sort all the assets of the folder instead of just for the page showing.

  • Desktop - Fixed a bug with not saving Folder View page size when changed in the Preferences.

  • Desktop - Commented out some extraneous debug log messages from ImageListViewItem.cs.

Version 2.4106.29

  • Internal code solution change - adding Advanced Installer Project back into the solution that was removed in 2.4106.28.

Version 2.4106.28

  • Desktop - Changed sequence items to show only the filename without folder paths if the sequence belongs to a regular (non-virtual) folder.

  • Desktop - Fixed bug with an opened sequence (belong to a regular folder) not refreshing when it has a sequence item based on an asset whose properties are updated.

  • Desktop - Added Preference controls to change the Folder View page size.

  • Desktop - 'Add to Sequence' menu now opens a FormAddToSequence instance instead of a submenu with Sequence names since the the submenu can take too long to populate when the number of Sequences are large.

  • Desktop - Added a new Background Worker for just handling refreshing of Folder and Sequence Views.

  • Desktop - Changed RefreshFolderContents() requests to be handled only by a new FileRefreshCmdEng that is handled by the new Background Worker.

  • Desktop - Added paging support to FolderView by using a trackbar to show only a page worth of assets at the selected page. Trackbar only appears if the number of assets exceed the page size.

  • Desktop - Changed FileSysCmdEng to be a static Global object instead of a private object in Form Main.

  • Desktop - Changed min and max DbPoolMgr instances to 6 and 10 respectively.

  • Desktop - For a Sequence in a virtual folder, revert the sequence items' asset IDs to refer to the virtual assets instead of their parent assets' ids.

  • Desktop - Fixed a bug with Sequence item trim in point not being used when playing the item's clip.

  • Desktop - Fixed a bug in a non-virtual Sequence item that caused the filename to be incomplete.

  • Desktop - Fixed a bug with changing a Sequence item's in/out trim points in an active sequence not being refreshed in the active sequence contents.

  • Desktop - Modified Examine Asset dialog to show the full path to the image file.

  • Desktop - Fixed a bug with SequenceCtrl right-click menu where the 'Rename Header' and 'Delete Header' options were visible when a sequence item was selected.

  • Desktop - Fixed issue with Sequence countdown timer being frozen after the pause transport control was used.

  • Desktop - Fixed a race issue with the Pause transport control not being re-enabled when playing the next sequence item clip.

  • Desktop - Fixed a bug with drag-drop copy of virtual assets to a regular folder by nulling out the parentID before saving to the DB.

  • Desktop - Drag-drop copy is disallowed if a virtual asset is copied to another virtual folder where there is already an asset that refers to the same parent asset.

  • Desktop - Drag-drop copy is disallowed if a virtual asset is copied to a regular folder which has the asset that is the parent of the virtual asset being copied.

  • Desktop - Drag-drop copy is disallowed if an asset is copied from a regular folder to a virtual folder if the virtual folder already contains an asset whose parent is the asset being copied.

  • Desktop - Disabled 'Create SubClip' option in the right-click menu for virtual folders.

  • Desktop - Changes to an asset are reflected to all opened folder views particularly if there are virtual copies of the assets involved. This includes 'Edit Clip' and changing Asset properties.

  • Desktop - Modified ASSET_SELECT_SQL such that only assets in virtual folders will have their ParentIDs populated.

  • Desktop - After a drag-drop copy of a sequence item to another sequence, the originating sequence is also refreshed otherwise the drag-dropped items will disappear from the source sequence even though this is a copy action and not move.

  • Internal code solution change - removed Advanced Installer Project from the solution.

Version 2.4106.27

  • Desktop - Another attempt to prevent Folder view refreshes from making the UI performance sluggish.

Version 2.4106.26

  • Desktop - Attempt to fix issue with UI stalls when updating Folder contents by using locally cached thumbnails instead of accessing from DB directly every time.

  • Desktop - Uses a cache of local thumbnail files that are acquired from the DB instead of accessing the DB for each asset or sequence item when refreshing a folder or sequence view.

Version 2.4106.25

  • Bolt - create destination folder if it doesn't exist when copying from player to server.

  • Desktop - Added missing implementation for supporting SequenceItem Headers (dummy Sequence Items). Previously, only the Preference setting was added.

  • Desktop - Fixed a bug with opening sequences which checked for existing opened sequences using the original name instead of the temp name (when SequenceUseTempOnOpen is true).

  • Desktop - Potential fix for an out of memory exception thrown by the Accord ReadVideoFrame() call during caching of clip images during editing of a clip.

Version 2.4106.24

  • Bolt - improve performance when dealing with large amount of assets.

  • Bolt - GetSystemAssets() return empty list instead of null if no system assets.

Version 2.4106.23

  • Bolt - some performance improvements when dealing with a large amount of records.

  • Bolt - added some verbose log messages.

Version 2.4106.22

  • Bolt - SyncAgent performance related tweaks.

  • Bolt - add support for MySQLCommandTimeout setting.

  • Bolt - change GetMissingSystemAssetsCount() to GetSystemFolderMissingAssetsCount().

  • Bolt - change GetMissingSystemAssets() to GetSystemFolderMissingAssets().

Version 2.4106.21

  • DbVersion changed to 1004.

  • Bolt - added some verbose log messages.

Version 2.4106.20

  • DbVersion changed to 1003.

  • Desktop - added support for Sequence Item Headers. This feature is enabled/disabled via the Preference Setting 'SequenceEnableItemHeaders'. Default value is true.

  • Desktop - after changing the preferences via the Preferences dialog, a restart application dialog prompt will appear if either the SequenceUseTempOnOpenWanted or the SequenceEnableItemHeaders settings are changed.

  • ZeusWorkerService - Makes sure that the .zeus folder is created prior to generating a proxy clip (otherwise, the transcoding process will fail).

  • ZeusWorkerService - Supports Sequence Item Headers. Feature is enabled/disabled via the Preference Setting 'SequenceEnableItemHeaders'. Default value is false.

Version 2.4106.19

  • Bolt - add an unhandled exception handler and write to the system event log.

  • Bolt - mark Telerik.WinControls.GridView as CopyLocal=true.

Version 2.4106.18

  • Bolt - add ability to run Sync and Delete agents from Bolt UI.

  • Bolt - add menu items to show and clear logs.

  • Desktop - Removed check for physical folder's existence when opening a folder. This isn't really needed as the assets would show up as unavailable anyway.

  • Desktop - Disabled processing of ProxyClip generation requests when the EnableFileMonitoring setting is false.

Version 2.4106.17

  • Add pre-requisite check for Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 Update 3.

Version 2.4106.16

  • Installer - include FFMPEG when installing only the Zeus Worker Service.

Version 2.4106.15

  • Bolt - fix for agents shutting down when minimizing to taskbar.

  • Bolt - added some extra logging messages.

Version 2.4106.14

  • Bolt - fixes to the Delete Asset Agent.

  • Bolt - SyncAgent now supports pulling assets added on other systems.

  • Bolt - now registers into systems table as SERVER.

  • Bolt - update file last write time after copy to match source file.

  • ZeusWeb - set DbSupport.UseLocalDB = false to let Bolt manage the delete operations.

  • Bolt, ZeusWorkerService - add IngestSystemID to Asset table.

  • Bolt, ZeusWorkerService - add GetAssetsUsingFilename(), GetSystem() and DeleteSystemAsset() methods to DbSupport.cs.

  • ZeusWorkerService - delete asset related fixes.

Version 2.4106.12

  • Bolt, ZeusWeb, ZeusWorkerService - fix ASSET_SELECT_SQL returning incorrect InFrame value for child asset.

  • DbVersion changed to 1002.