Users running a cloud instance of TweetOut who want access to can access TweetOut content from a Flow database using an ODBC connection can do so using TweetOut content views. Note | If you are unfamiliar with database manipulation, a an ODBC connection and TweetOut Views. Setting up an ODBC connection consists of three steps: - Install a MySQL ODBC Connector Driver on a local system.
- Create and test a System DSN Connection to your TweetOut instance.
- Use the System DSN Connection to connect to TweetOut content Views provided by Bannister Lake Support upon request.
Note |
A Bannister Lake Support Database Administrator will need to assist you in setting up TweetOut content views Views for your cloud TweetOut instance. Contact Bannister Lake Support for assistance. | In addition to the TweetOut content views, you also Anchor |
| InstallMySQLODBCDriver |
| InstallMySQLODBCDriver |
| You need to install a MySQL ODBC Driver connection connector driver on a local system in order to connect to your TweetOut datacontent Views using an ODBC connection. The MySQL ODBC driver comes in both a 64-bit and 32-bit OS version, so be sure to install the correct driver for your local Microsoft® Windows® operating system.You can download Download the correct driver directly from Bannister Lake at any time as follows: |