Note that you are ultimately limited by the exchanges that are included in your API key / license.
The intraday values displayed on a generated chart scene can be automatically updated just before the graphic is sent to air. This only affects the intraday current value and change. It does not regenerate the chart image.
Quote Table Default Footers
In the real time value window click on the Edit button. Then look for the Delete button at the bottom of the Commodity Symbol List. Click the Delete button to remove the list.
There area number of data refresh options available.
Refresh Chart Before Air
This option regenerates the entire chart and all related data including intraday current values.
Refresh Chart Before Air - Intraday Values Only
The intraday values displayed on a generated chart scene can be automatically updated just before the graphic is sent to air. This only affects the intraday current value and change. It does not regenerate the chart image.
Refresh Chart On Air - Intradays
This option updates the intraday current values when the scene is on air. It does not regenerate the chart.
Refresh Table Before Air
This option refreshes the table data immediately before it takes it to air.
Refresh Table On Air
This option refreshes the data while the table is displayed on air.
Application Logs
You can access the application logs that provide information on the work the app is doing as well as providing additional debugging information when errors occur.