search for commodities available to you for chart generation
generate and preview charts with data from barchart
generate and preview commodity quote table data from barchart
build playlists of charts and tables to be used in a later session.
generate and view real time value lists
update preferences
Note that you are ultimately limited by the exchanges that are included in your barchart API key / license.
This intraday values displayed on a generated chart scene can be automatically updated just before the graphic is sent to air. This only affects the intraday current value and change. It does not regenerate the chart image.
Once selected the app will read the file and recreate the playlist. Items will initially appear with grey buttons and be disabled. It If auto-refresh is enabled, it will then proceed to refresh the data in each of the items. Once each item is ready the button will be changed to green.
Auto-Refresh of Playlists on Load
By default each time you load a playlist all the items in the list we be refreshed with new data. You can disable/enable this feature in the Playlist menu. Click on the Auto Refresh Items… menu option.
Refresh Data in a Playlist Item
To refresh the data in a playlist item - press the refresh button for the item.
To view the current data in an item - right-click on it and select the Preview/Edit option. This will open a popup window with the relevant form of data associated with the item.
You can have 2 playlists open at a time. To copy an item from one playlist to the other simply drag the item from one list to the other.
Remove All Items from a Playlist
If you want to quickly remove all items in a playlist you can use the options in the Playlist menu.
Real Time Commodity Values
This is the port number to use when connecting via the HTTP protocol. Use the HTTP protocol in situations where TCP is not a viable option You will need to ensure that this port is enabled/open on the server to allow the client machine to connect. The HTTP protocol is not expected to perform as quickly as the TCP protocol.
Use Secure Connections Option
If you are having trouble connecting with the secure connections enabled - try disabling it on both the server and the client and see if the connection is then successful.