This is the port number to use when connecting via the HTTP protocol. Use the HTTP protocol in situations where TCP is not a viable option You will need to ensure that this port is enabled/open on the server to allow the client machine to connect. The HTTP protocol is not expected to perform as quickly as the TCP protocol.
Use Secure Connections
This option has been added to enable the use of the applications in network situations that otherwise would prevent the client and server from being able to connect. If you are having trouble connecting with the secure connections enabled - try disabling it on both the server and the client and see if the connection is then successful.
When using the secure connection option with TCP both client and server must be in the same domain, or mutually trusting domains as it uses Windows Authentication. Using a secure connection option with HTTP would require binding an SSL certificate to the port number used.
XPression Project File
You will need to identify the correct XPression project to be used. Select the file by browsing for it. Your selection will be remembered when you press the Save button and then used in the future automatically.