Versions Compared


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Use the - key to take the currently selected scene offline without advancing to the next item in the list.

Application Logs

You can access the application logs that provide information on the work the app is doing as well as providing additional debugging information when errors occur.

File Access

You can also access the log files in the ProgramData directory which is typically:
C:\ProgramData\Bannister Lake\RFD-TV Finance Client\logs

Help Menu Access

You can read the log via the Help menu. Select the Read Log... option to open the current log file.

Finance XPression App

This app must be installed on the XPression machine.

The server application does not communicate with the barchart web service. Instead it relies on the client app to provide it with all the data it needs to display.


  1. Microsoft .NET Framework 6.1 or greater which can be downloaded from a Microsoft website to suit your version of windows. This should be the FULL version and not the Client Profile version.

  2. Ross XPression

    1. version appropriate to the build of the app represented by the last number in the version number

      1. Example version 1.1.4983 is built for XPression 9.5 build 4983

Initial Configuration

The first time you install the application you will need to customize a few settings and preferences. The application will remember the settings you used last.


You can use the default ports given or change them if appropriate for your network environment. The server provides support for using either TCP or HTTP protocols. The client app should be configured to use the matching settings when connecting.

After you have made any necessary changes to the configuration press the Start Service button. This will lock your selections. To change them you will have to close and restart the applications.

Server Name or IP Address

This is the address of the server running the XPression Engine on which this server app is installed. It will by default at first run fill in the suggested IP address of the server. If you are running both the server and client portions of the application on the same machine you could enter "localhost" as the server name instead of an IP Address.

You can also regenerate the suggested IP address by using the option in the Help menu.

TCP Port

This is the port number to use when connecting via the TCP protocol. It is the recommended protocol to use. You will need to ensure that this port is enabled/open on the server to allow the client machine to connect.


This is the port number to use when connecting via the HTTP protocol. Use the HTTP protocol in situations where TCP is not a viable option You will need to ensure that this port is enabled/open on the server to allow the client machine to connect. The HTTP protocol is not expected to perform as quickly as the TCP protocol.

Use Secure Connections

This option has been added to enable the use of the applications in network situations that otherwise would prevent the client and server from being able to connect. If you are having trouble connecting with the secure connections enabled - try disabling it on both the server and the client and see if the connection is then successful.

XPression Project File

You will need to identify the correct XPression project to be used. Select the file by browsing for it. Your selection will be remembered when you press the Save button and then used in the future automatically.

Note that the XPression project files should all be stored on the local machine.

Application Logs

You can access the application logs that provide information on the work the app is doing as well as providing additional debugging information when errors occur. 

Help Menu Access

You can read the log via the Help menu. Select the Read Log... option to open the current log file.

File Access

You can also access the log files in the ProgramData directory which is typically:  
C:\ProgramData\Bannister Lake\RFD-TV Finance XPression\logs