This intraday values displayed on a generated chart scene can be automatically updated just before the graphic is sent to air. This only affects the intraday current value and change. It does not regenerate the chart image.
Create Charts
Search for the first symbol by typing it in the search box #1
You can search by typing a name or a symbol
Click on the item you wish to use. The first item is selected by default.
If you want to compare 2 on one chart
click on the Compare checkbox to display it’s checkmark
search for the second by starting to type its name or symbol in the filter box for #2
select the item you wish to use from the filtered list
Select a Range
Click the Generate Chart button
This will cause the current data to be downloaded and transformed into the corresponding chart
You will see the retrieved data and thumbnail of the chart displayed in the preview section
The values used to calculate the time frame deltas can be seen as a tool-tip of the previewed delta values displayed in the chart preview area.
Preview Generated Chart
When there is a generated chart you can preview it in a larger popup window by clicking on the thumbnail. This preview works with and without a connection to the XPression server. It's purpose is to provide a more detailed preview of the chart and related numbers that were generated and may be used in display since the main thumbnail is limited in its usefulness. The background image can be changed in the Chart Preferences window accessed via File menu. Look for it in the Other Options section.
Display Charts
Once you have generated a chart that you want to display you have a couple ways of managing doing so.
The quickest way to display the chart you last generated is to press the Show button beneath the thumbnail.
If you want to save the chart for display later press the To List button beneath the thumbnail. This will add a copy of it to the end of the active Playlist.
You then trigger it to display from the playlist by clicking the green button. It will turn red and it will be displayed through the XPression system.
Use the + key to send the currently selected item to air and advance to the next item in the playlist.
If the currently selected item is already on-air, pressing the + key will set it offline and advance to the next item in the list.
Use the - key to take the currently selected scene offline without advancing to the next item in the list.