For reference purposes, the middle number in the build refers to the build number of XPression with which Zeus was compiled with. It is recommended that the XPression installed match.
Version 1.3802.33
- Desktop - Removed usage of FolderListView::RefreshItem() which isn't really needed and at the same time can cause constant updating of a FolderListView, which in turn, can cause the UI to become unresponsive.
Version 1.3802.32
- Desktop - Replaced individual DbSupport instances with a pool of instances managed by a global DbPoolMgr instance.
- Desktop - Fixed an issue with acquiring video info from newly copied video clip files.
- Desktop - Fixed issue with FormEditClip with handling 0 frame count clip files (caused by the newly copied video clips issue).
- Desktop - Changed Space key handling for FolderListViews to be Ctrl+Space key. Space key press is now exclusively intended for Online Sequences.
- Desktop - Set default sort for folder list views to be TimeStamps in descending order.
- Desktop - Removed excessive debug log messages when checking for proxy clips in folders.
Version 1.3802.31
- ZeusWeb - Fix ZeusWeb install issue in version 30 build
- ZeusWeb - Sort the folder content view Time Stamp column by the IngestTimeStamp not the asset TimeStamp