2.3.5- Put warnings into audit log rather then the error log for minor warnings like Feels Like temp not given. 2.3.4- rebrand as WSI Reader. - add shortcut to the Bannister Lake Programs folder on installation 2.3.3- don't report an empty wind speed as an error 2.3.2- Enable basic support for both legacy and new audit record formats (added aud_class and dropped aud_link) - allow all current weather parsing errors to be reported so we can fix regardless of verbose log setting 2.3.1- Updatee Update the Check for Updates feature to use bannister lake Bannister Lake db data via web api - Apply icon to the start menu shortcut 2.3.0- Handle parsing errors without generating massive amounts of error logs - show only when verbose logging is on. - Enable the Check for Updates feature 2.2.9- Put the night weather code into weatherId (not weatherId2) - Reduce logging - use a summary statement instead of announcing every city being processed 2.2.8- Clean logs after 90 days 2.2.7- Use new logging DLL to allow one log per instance - Log to the DB when available 2.2.6- Enable the use of the utility status module 2.2.5- Always change the last modified date value for a forecast record even if no changes to the forecast data 2.2.4- Use the correct date format when checking the date of the current observations (bug fix) (eg. 8/1/2012 3:00 PM) 2.2.3- add background pic to make it look different then version 1 2.2.2- enable use of daily night forecasts - add wind cardinal direction and speed 2.2.1- Use Day 1 High temp + icon for hour 4 data - Use Day 1 Low temp + night icon for hour 8 data 2.1.0- Use the correct date format when checking the date of the current observations (bug fix) 2.0.9- Use the new preferences table for config settings. - Set the day of the week for the "current" weather forecast. Add verbose logging option in the Help - Diagnostics menu Update to use the modified weather tables that remove show specific forecasts and support playlists Enable support for switching between F and C temperatures using a config key in the DB. Use extra exception catching methods - Compile only for x86 (not all cpus) - Update window icons Use new branding logo and texts - Change to a new product to allow previous Global ST parser to continue development seperately For current forecasts - use the Weather text when available otherwise use Sky text as our short text Add Day-of-Week data to the forecasts Use Daily SkyText instead of ShortPhrase - Use Hourly SkyMedium instead of SkyShort Enable individual forecasts to be overriden (Eg. Current can be manual while Day2 is auto) - Add additional weather details: Pop, UV, temmp2 (feels like or daily low), short text - Update weather URL based on requested weather forecasts - Eg. if we need hourlies 1,2, 9 request up to hour 9. - Insert weather detail records if none found when updating Convert project to MS Visual Studio 2010 Add icon to installer for Unistall in control panel - Enable an -autostartX command line option (the X is the number of minutes to delay before starting - default = 3) - Add tools menu to access db and WSI server preferences Add an option in the diagnostics menu to keep dated copies of downloaded weather for troubleshooting Add a Delayed Start option - Reload the weather translations each time the Start button is pressed to start - Improved installer version management - Use -999 as invalid temperature value Add support for the Manual override flag of weather data Change loading options to meet WSI service contract requirments and enable sharing data amongst instances - WSI = load from WSI web service - URL = load from local web location - File = load from local application data files Add a Load Cities option (saving only CANADA locations and ignoring the rest for now ) (quick solution) Add desktop shortcut on install - Cleanup code - Improve logging - Report WSI IconCodes that fail translation to Weather Ids fix the URL to access hourly forecasts this is the first release of the weather parser |