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Bingo PlayerThe Bingo Player application uses the Ross XPression CG to display the graphics required for the Bingo TV game. As such minimum hardware requirements must be met to be able to run the application. | |||||||||||||||||||
Each of the balls are shown in their column order and are represented by a toggle button. The dark grey buttons (3 and 17) are active and are displayed in the game scene. All other balls have not yet been called and are not displayed. Show a new ballMouse: Simply click on the ball that you want to show. Keyboard: Enter the ball number in the text box at the bottom. Then press either the [Enter] key or the [+] key. Hide a ballMouse: Simply click on the ball that you want to hide. Keyboard: Enter the ball number in the text box at the bottom. Then press the [-] key to show the ball. Show All BallsPress the [All ON] button. Hide All BallsMouse: Click the [All OFF] button Keyboard: press Alt-F12 (press and hold the [Alt] key and then press [F12] key) |
Showing and hiding balls will automatically update the Game scene in the following ways:
Updating the main ball board to reflect which balls are called
Showing the most recent called ball as well as the 2 previous
Updating the count of the total number of called balls
Showing and hiding balls will automatically update the Card scene in the following ways:
Highlight the called ball on the card if the ball is part of the current game type formation
Verifying a Win
When a BINGO! is called the Verify scene can be activated while the Game scene continues to be displayed. The Verify scene can be toggled on and off by clicking the check-box or using the key-board shortcut assigned to it (Alt-F8).
Vendor Display During Game Play
The display of the vendors will automatically advance as long as the Game scene is active and the auto update is enabled. The changing of vendors is paused when another scene is activated and the Game scene is no longer visible. When the Game scene becomes visible again the vendor updates resume where it left off. The player will cycle through the list and will restart at the beginning when it reaches the end of the list.
Starting a New Game
To start a new game only 2 steps are essential
Select a new game type (Game Selected section)
Hide all the balls
The operator is prompted to clear the balls when the game type changes
If the operator declines they can also click the [All OFF] button or press Alt-F12.
You may choose to follow a process such as this though:
Clear the game scene
Select a new game type
Display the Card Layout scene for the new game type
Show the Game scene
Begin play
You need to select the new game type before displaying the Card Layout because the layout scene automatically displays the games card color, jackpot and animated layout when activated. If you activate it before selecting the game type the wrong details will be displayed.
Viewing Winning Cards
When a card file which provides a list of all the possible cards is made available to the application it will automatically identify winning cards and allow you to display any card in play.
The Winning Cards list will display a list of all cards in play that are winners. To view a card from the winning list simply click on it to select it. That will load that card into the applications preview and apply the card numbers to the card scene. If the scene is active - the changes will display immediately on-air. Otherwise the operator can show the card on-air by pressing the green [Show - x] button (The “x” is replaced by the card id of the previewed card.) or selecting the Card scene in the Active Scene control at the top of the application window.
To view a specific card by id that is not currently in the winning card list simply enter the number in the ID box and press the [View] button. The updates both the in application view and the live scene. Note that the application only searches for winning cards for cards marked as in play.
Managing Winners
The Winners tab of the middle setup section of main form allows you to manage winners. You can enter as many as you need for each game type. The Game drop-down list allows you to control which list of winners you are using. Below the winners of a full game are shown:
New winners can be added by typing the name and location in the last row which is marked by the asterisk (*) character. Each row can be edited as necessary by simply selecting the field and click or pressing F2.
To delete or remove a single winner from the list - click on the row header column (where the > and * are visible) of the row you want to delete. Both the name and location fields will become highlighted. Pressing the [Delete] key will delete the record.
To delete all the winners and start over for all games - click the [Remove All] button.
Saving Winners
The winners list is saved automatically when the application is closed. Optionally the winner lists can be saved any time by using the [Save All] button. Saving the list saves all winners from all games. The lists are automatically re-loaded when the player is launched next.
Displaying Winners
The Winners scene is used to display winners. When the scene is activated, it automatically:
Opens the Winners setup tab Displays winner names for the game type that is selected in the Winners setup tab. Update the progress on the timer for each page of winners Highlight the rows in the list that are being displayed |
NOTE: By default when the Bingo Player starts the Full game type is selected and the last saved set of winners has been loaded for use.
Select the game type in the winners tab to show the list of winners you want before activating the Winners scene!
If there are too many winners in the selected game type to display at one time in the scene then the application will wait for the given number of seconds in the Winners setup tab before automatically updating the scene with the next set of winners. It will repeat this until all the winners for the game type have been displayed.
NOTE: When the set time has elapsed for showing the winners the winner rows will lose the highlight and the timer progress bar will show completed. The Winners scene will remain active until another scene is made active. It will continue to display the last set of winners.
Displaying Multiple Game Type Winners
If you want to display more then one game type of winners in sequence -
Open the Winners setup tab
Confirm the sub-title
Select the first game of winners to display
Confirm the number of seconds to wait between automatic changes
Activate the Winners scene
Let the winners for the first game play out
Wait for the last page to finish being displayed
Select the next game of winners from the drop-down list on the Winners tab
Click the [Show__ Game] button to start showing the new game’s winners
Displaying All of the L-I-O-N Game Winners
The application can automatically cycle through all of the L-I-O-N games. To activate this feature simply click the [Show L-I-O-N] button. Be sure to confirm the settings for the sub-title before activating.
Displaying Promotions
The application can display promotion scenes. Each is defined as a unique scene in the XPression project file and the name must start with Promo_ and then a descriptive name. When the application launches it will search for these scenes and add them to the list on the Promos tab. The Promo_ prefix will be dropped when displaying in the list.
Displaying Credits
Credit scenes are displayed in sequence order as a group at the end of the show using the Credits tab.
The application can automatically calculate the amount of time remaining based on the local computer time before the set end of the show. It then divides that time by the number of available credit scenes to give equal time to each.
If there are any errors or issues encountered while using the Bingo Player details of errors may be automatically written to a log file by the application. To access the log file use the menu item:
Help - Diagnostics - View Current Log
To find the location of the log file - view the current log and then use the File - Save As... menu option of the log window to identify the location where the log is saved.
Why Don’t I See...?
If you don’t see content such as a setup tab for Promos or Credits - this is because there was no corresponding scene in the XPression project file and so the related content in the app is hidden. To show the missing features - add the related scene and restart the application.
XPression Scenes and Naming Conventions
The following scene names should be used to identify each of the required features.
This scene is played as a full screen and is intended to be used when the program is resuming. It may designed with text such as “Lion’s TV Bingo has returned!” or “Let’s play!”
This scene is played as a layer on top of the MainGame scene and is intended to be used to display the winning card for which a BINGO! was called.
Object tags:
card id - text object whose text will be set as the id of displayed card.
x# - text objects where # is the square number from 1 - 25 as shown in the layout below:
except 13 which can be left out as this is the free square and you put whatever text or other object you want to represent that square.
B | I | N | G | O |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 |
16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 |
21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 |
h# - an object where # is the square number from 1 - 25 as per above layout:
should include an object h13 to allow the app to highlight the free square when it is part of the winning formation though it could be transparent if you wish to hide it
highlight - a quad with a material that is assigned based on the game type. The intention of this quad is to allow the material applied to provide additional highlighting to the winning formation.
Credits1 - Credits99
Scenes named as CreditsX where x is replaced by a number between 1 and 99 can be created for display in sequence at the end of the show. They will be displayed in order by the number assigned in the name of the scene.
This scene is played as a full scene to display the layout of a winning game card.
Object tags:
Card - a quad with a material that is assigned based on the game type
the material is named: X board animation where X is one of B-I-N-G-O-Full
Card Color - a text object used to display the selected color for the game
Game Title - a text object used to display the game type name
Jackpot Amount - a text object used to display the jackpot dollar value for the game
This scene is used while playing the bingo game and shows items such as the last ball drawn and all individual balls that have been drawn/called. It also displays vendors, the phone number to call in and the type of game that is being played.
Object tags:
all balls - an optional group object can be used to contain all the balls. Doing so will increase the speed at which all the balls are hidden when clearing all balls.
ball count - a text object used to display the number of called balls
ball current - a quad used to display an image of the most recent called ball
uses materials named after the bal in the format Column-Number Eg. i-17, b-5
game model - a quad used to display an image of the game type
uses materials named “game model X” where X is one of B-I-N-G-O-Full
game type - text used to display the game name
last number ballX - an object used to display a ball image for previous called balls
X is one of 1, 2, or 3
last numberX - a text object used to display the number of the ball
X is one of 1,2, or 3
phone number - a single-line text object used to display the phone number
phone message - a second optional text object used to display a longer phone message
pot amount - text used to display the game jackpot amount
reveal #X - a text object used to display the number of the ball
X is the number of the ball 1-75
reveal ani X - an object with a material that is played when the ball is called/shown
X is the number of the ball 1-75
reveal ani Y - an object with a material that is displayed when the ball is called/shown
Y is a value between 76 and 150 - it is the number of the ball (1-75) + 75
vendor list - a 3 line text object used to display vendor Name, Address and City
Lower3rd 1Line
This scene displays a lower third graphic with a single line of text available for entry and is used for display of Tonight’s Code for example.
Object tags:
Line1 - a text object
Lower3rd 2Lines
This scene displays a lower third graphic with 2 lines of text available for entry.It is used for displaying the host name and title.
Object tags:
Line1 - a text object
Line2 - a text object
Any scene that is prefixed with the Promo_ text will be added to the list on the Promos tab. The operator can then show an individual scene when requested.
This scene is played as a full screen displaying all the rules for play.
Object tags:
phone number - a single-line text object used to display the phone number
This scene is played as a layer on top of the main game when a Bingo win is being verified.
Object tags:
This scene is played as a full screen when the program is going to commercial break or for troubleshooting. It displays text such as “Lion’s TV Bingo will return!”
Object tags:
This scene is played out as a full scene and list the winners and the location they purchased their cards from. This scene can support up to 9 winners and associated location tags. They should be added in order without skipping numbers.
Object tags
Game Title - the game type for the winners. Eg. “L Game Winners”
SubTitle - text to be displayed below the main title
Winner Name X - The name of the winner where X is replaced by 1-9
Winners Vendor X - The name of the winner where X is replaced by 1-9
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